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Professional Pet Hairdressers


Professional Pet Hairdressers

Taking care of your pet is not limited to feeding it and walking it regularly. Pets need bathing, nail polish and oral care, and some breeds require regular grooming. Often, the owners try to perform these manipulations on their own, but sometimes they resort to the help of groomers.

Cat Haircuts


Cat Haircuts

It is better to train the cat to regular haircuts in case of allergy from the owner gradually: by short visits, gentle treatment, treats at all stages of the process. An invitation to a groomer (ideally a permanent one) at home is preferable to trips to the salon, since the cat will be less nervous on its territory.

Aesthetic grooming of cats


Aesthetic grooming of cats

This block of reasons includes those that are not necessary for the animal. Rather, it is a whim of the owner, a desire to stand out.

Pet grooming


Hygienic grooming of cats

It is rather a necessity – such a haircut is most often done for long-haired and fluffy cat breeds.

Dog grooming


Dog Grooming

For some dog breeds, grooming is mandatory, only its frequency varies. Without regular grooming, the White Skye Terrier or Scottish Terrier will not look like itself. Dog grooming includes grooming, trimming, clipping, and cleaning the eyes, ears and paranasal glands.

Creative grooming


Creative Grooming

Ever since the dogs, in addition to the applied ones, began to perform also a decorative function, the owners do not leave the desire to embellish them in every possible way.

Pet grooming


Professional preparation of the dog for the show.

Grooming is a prerequisite, without which professional preparation of a dog for a show is impossible. According to rough estimates, about 400 dog breeds have been bred in the world today.

Grooming cats


Grooming Cats – pros and cons

Most veterinarians speak out against grooming cats unnecessarily, since this procedure is for the feline severe stress, which in turn leads to a decrease in the body’s defenses and undermines the psyche of the animal. With dogs, the situation is usually different: some breeds need grooming to maintain hygiene, and besides, dogs tolerate the grooming process much more easily.


Modern Concept

The modern concept of animal grooming includes the following set of procedures